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1000 Watt Wind Turbine/Generator/Alternator/Mill

1000 Watt Wind Turbine/Generator/Alternator/Mill(Sorry -- This unit is temporarily unavailable)


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Shop made 1000 watt (plus) wind turbine (alternator), with A/C to D/C rectifier.

12 , 24 or 48 Volt (Please specify your desired voltage.)

1 Year Warranty against defects.

Conservatively rated 1000 watt system. This unit peaks well above this for short periods of time. Start up speed is around 5 mph, cut in speed is achieved around 6 mph. Rated wind speed at 26 mph. -- This turbine is fully capable of producing 1200 to 1500 watts in a strong wind.

This wind turbine was designed for the most part via the plans and ideas on However, we have added several important features, including:

  • Stronger magnets (Grade 45)
  • Much heavier metal (schedule 80 pipe, instead of schedule 40 in most areas),
  • Fiberglass nylon reinforced aerodynamic auto furling blades.
  • Both delta and star stator (can be switched from a low wind speed to high wind speed model.)
  • Lower resistance windings (less energy is given up to heat)
  • Heavier tail, allows for the turbine to stay fully into the wind until around 30 mph.
  • Thinner, high temperature stator with a heavier stator bracket which allows the magnets to be closer, producing more power.
  • Cooling vent holes in both magnet rotors to insure adequate air flow around the stator.
  • Precision cut parts using a CNC controlled plasma cutter.

This turbine will last for years with minimum maintenance. Once a year the bearings should be packed and yaw bearing greased. -- That's about it. This mill is built tough and should serve you well, even in harsh (non-corrosive) conditions.

Don't be fooled by the units being producted that promote 900 watt outputs at 45 mph! -- Just how often does that occur (and how long do you think the turbine would take that abuse without furling.)

This is a 3 phase permanent magnet wind generator. It will produce 3 phase A/C power. Included is a 3 phase rectifier to convert the A/C into D/C which can be used to charge batteries, or run a suitable grid tie or stand alone inverter. (Inverter not included). Battery charge voltage is reached at around 160 rpm.

Some more Info:

The unit begins to furl around 28 MPH and is fully furled in the high 30's. We have tested the alternator on the test bench at over 1000 rpm. The turbine is capable of producing over 1700 watts, but 1000 watts is all you should expect to see at wind speeds in the 26 to 28 MPH range.

The rectifier is a separate unit and can be located anywhere (inside or outside). We use heavy duty 12 gauge extension cords on the units we have installed here from the tower to the rectifier. These extension cords are perfect for the trip up the tower as they have 3 braided wires (including the ground) and can be easily unplugged if required. Simply cut the male end off, terminate that end at the turbine, then use it (the end you cut off) to plug into the female end at the tower base. This allows a very nice disconnect, and a means to allow the cable to untwist if needed (rare).

We have tested this model in very strong thunderstorms here with heavy gusts. It uses both autofurling fiberglass blades as well as furling tail that will bring it out of very strong winds. During our testing period, we allowed it to freewheel (took all loads off), then we connected loads as it was spinning at great speeds. The turbine handled the abuse very nicely, with no overheating.

Please add $40.00 for 12 volt model due to increased size and cost of the rectifier.

Tower is not included.


How important is blade diameter?


Now for the math.

*** RPM, watts and wind speed ***

The following chart represents data achieved via our precision test bench. Data is for our 1000 watt turbine into a 24 volt battery bank. Test date: 2/12/09

RPM and Watts are measured. Wind speeds have been estimated based on both known results (turbines we have on towers) and extrapolation of data based on various loading factors including wire resistance, blade TSR, heat dissipation etc. It should be noted that at the higher end, these values will be only seen for short intervals since the turbine will furl to prevent overheating. This turbine is capable of running at 1000 watts continuously without heat damage!


Since it's somewhat difficult to read the wind speed values, they are 6, 18, 26, 30 and 35 MPH.

This tested unit produced 1041 watts at 468 RPM which would be approximately 26 MPH.


This is simply a great turbine and super economical. Built with pride, right here in the USA.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions, we are very happy to assist you in making an educated decision on whether wind power is an option for you, your site, system and of course your budget.


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